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Indianapolis Family Lawyers

Family law is a broad area of practice that includes issues involving divorce, custody, child support, spousal support, paternity and modifications to an existing divorce degree. Looking toward the future is one of the most important considerations in resolving family law issues. With the advice and counsel of our effective and compassionate attorneys from the Indianapolis family lawyers at McClure McClure & Davis, we can custom fit a plan that eases the transition of your family into the future. Whether you are married or unmarried, we offer dedicated legal representation by confronting this challenging time of your life with solutions rather than with acrimony.

The unmarried parents of an infant might have genuine questions about the baby’s paternity. We can help in establishing a formal acknowledgement or determination. If you need to move from the area, we can help you with the issues that arise in that context. If domestic violence has invaded your home, we can help you with obtaining and enforcing an order of protection.

In recent years, Indiana has made significant changes in family law cases that affect anybody who is seeking a court order on divorce, custody or other issues. Those changes also affect parties to a family law dispute who are seeking modification or enforcement of previously determined court orders. We remain continually updated on all legislative and judicial changes that affect family law cases.

Our Indianapolis family lawyers maintain objectivity and civility in any case that we are retained on. That can be difficult when the parties to a family case attempt to represent themselves. They fail to see the entire picture and available options. Contact us at McClure McClure & Davis to discuss your family law issues with an experienced, effective and compassionate attorney from our offices. We’re pleased to discuss the alternatives for the future of you and your family with you.